Tan's art research since 2000 has focused mainly on the merging of conceptual animation, animation installation, interactive animation, and digital prints on rigid materials. His artwork has been exhibited nationally and internationally in both solo and group shows, and has received numerous important awards.
His publication experience includes a number of articles regarding contemporary art, art criticism, art education, and animation. In addition to these articles are his books and catalogs, such as Digital Natural Art, Character Animation & Rigging, and LiQin Tan: Digital Art II. His current book, which is still in-progress, concerns itself with Conceptual Animation, Animation Installation, and Singularity Art.
加拿大康戈迪亚大学美术硕士。美国新泽西州罗格斯大学终身 教授和美术部共同主任. 北京大学和中国传媒大学特聘教授。美国 SIGGRAPH数码艺术协会常务理事。
早年的他系八五美术新潮活跃分子之一, 作品选入第六次全 国美展和八五美术新潮幻灯巡回展,获《美术思潮》论文佳作奖 ;八五年创办中国先锋美术杂志《画家》,推出多位著名艺术家。
其艺术研究融当代美术观念、先端数字技术和前沿动画理论为 一体,独创"数码原始/自然"观念动画与动画装置艺术形式和各 种硬质材料的数码印制。美国主体媒介称他为数码艺术界具有"革 命性的艺术家",数码硬质材料印制的先锋探索者。作品巡展于世 界各国美术馆和画廊,荣获多类国际数码艺术头奖和金奖。
近年理论研究涉及观念动画和动画装置,动画分类与批评,当 代艺术评论等领域. 其学术论文数十篇曾发表於北美和中国报刊杂 志.近出版专著为《数码自然艺术》,《三维角色动画和绑定》, 《谭力勤数码艺术II》, 撰写中为《观念动画与动画装置》和 《奇点艺术》。